
Mourning Dove photo by Charles M. Silverman
- On February 2, 1993, Defenders of Animals offered a $500 reward for
the arrest and conviction of a second man who participated in the
clubbing and stabbing of three deer off Patience Island.
- When Defenders found out that the Department of Environment Management was engaged in the practice of snapping
the necks of female swans in 1978, we formally requested the Governor to halt the practice and campaigned to stop the pattern of destruction
by DEM officials. Middletown residents worked with Defenders of Animals to halt DEM's involvement with the disappearance of young
swans (cygnets) at Green End Pond.
- The practice of importing snowshoe hare from Canada for hunters to kill was exposed by Defenders of Animals which brought on a state-wide protest.
Legislation was introduced on behalf of Defenders, legal action was taken and media coverage took place from Rhode Island to California
regarding the issue.
- Rhode Island hunters are killing over 12,000 mourning doves a year and Defenders of Animals has had legislation introduced to end
this practice. Rhode Island is the only New England state to continue this practice.
- Legislation to allow trappers to use the leghold steel jaw trap was stopped by members of Defenders of Animals by phone calls to
legislators, testimony at legislative hearings and media blitz.
- When coyotes were threatened with the possibility of a hunting season, Defenders formed P.A.C.K. (People Against Coyote Killing).
Defenders has consistently pointed to documentation that clearly shows that coyotes do not cause a problem and that they, in fact, help
to control the population of small animals.
- Judge Thomas Needham ruled in favor of Defenders of Animals and the deer on Block Island when he ruled that the method of
"Jacklighting Deer" was illegal and DEM officials could not kill deer by shining lights in deer eyes and shooting them. Judge Needham
also ruled at the time that DEM officials could not kill deer by other methods because there was no hunting season on the island.
- When "Mia," the raccoon, had been confiscated by DEM, Defenders met with the director of DEM and the state vet to
protest the actions of officials. Althought DEM officials did not listen to our concerns and requests, the court later ruled in favor of the owner.
- When hunters and trappers introduced a bill to allow the destruction of the otter, Defenders testified at the hearings and stepped up
lobbying efforts on behalf of the otter. This effort resulted in the defeat of the bill, thereby saving Rhode Island otters.
- Defenders filed an official complaint against a corporation who had filed for a wetlands permit at the airport. The permit would have
meant the destruction of deer and other animals. DEM turned down the permit request.
- Consultation and coordination by Defenders of Animals are noted in the official U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service of the master plan
for Trustom Pond National Wildlife Refuge in South Kingstown. The protection of the piping plover and other wildlife came as a result of the plan.
- In September of 1995, hunters illegally killed geese in the city of Warwick. Defenders protest to officials resulted in "No Hunting"
signs being placed in the area and official comment by Warwick police officials that hunting would not be allowed in the city. The incident happened
a few days before a U.S. Fish and Wildlife ban on canadian geese was to be in effect.
- Neglected horses: Defenders of Animals was instrumental in freeing two horses that had been kept in the foundation of a trailer home. They
were without adequate food, medical attention and exercise.
- Protest by Defenders of Animals include the annual shark hunt, former governor Sundlun's antelope hunt and his killing of raccoons
within the city of Newport, DEM's unnecessary killing of a bear in the town of Foster, fur protest, etc.
Contact Information
Defenders of Animals P.O. Box 8763 Cranston, RI 02920 (401) 461-1922
Send Email To: [email protected]
Copyright © 1998-2023 Defenders of Animals, Inc.
Maintained by Dennis